Não sei como te lembraste de mim 10 anos passados sobre esta fotografia

que te tirei na Namíbia. Não sabia que te tinhas mudado para a Costa do Marfim, nem que continuavas com 22 anos. É bem verdade que o tempo não passa em África. Gostei muito de receber o teu e-mail. Malgrado todas as desgraças por que passou a tua família, mesmo assim tiveste alguma sorte. Com certeza que terei todo o prazer em ajudar-te, os amigos são para as ocasiões. Na volta do correio, envio-te o meu NIB, está descansada.
Hoje, no meu correio, este mail da querida Mariam (sou uma mulher com sorte e que marca as pessoas):
From : Mariam Modou
Abidjan,Cote D'Ivoire
West Africa.
Email : (mariam_modou030@yahoo.fr)
Dear lovely one,
Good day yes,i want someone like you to help me out after i had pray and fast then believes that you are a good person and that i can stay with you for the rest of my life ,am 22 years old lady .My late dad is a wealthy and successful business man before he died and my mum died when i was a baby,am the only child in the family.Before the death of my dad,he called me secretly in the private hospital where he was admitted and inform me to run away from his house because of his blood brother,who is my uncle.It was on that day,my dad reveilled to me that,it was his brother who poisoned him to this level.
Inshort,he seriously warn me to keep this money secretly because he know that,it was because of all his wealth and properties,his brother decided to kill him so that he can inherit all this properties as i am a girl, My dad disclose to me that traditionally,i don't suppose to get any of his properties because i am a girl.He said soonest,i am going to marry to another family but due to his brother wickedness and greedy,he did not disclose to him about this money (us$10.5 million united state dollars ) in the bank and he seriously advise me to transfer this total money to oversea account for my investment,where i will start my new life and finish my education.Because of this reason,i am soliciting your assistance for the claim and transfer to your bank account for the business.
Frankly speaking,i am ready to give you 15% of this total money for your assistance and with extral 1% for your expenses on phone call, please u reply me now if really serious to help me out so that i can tells you more about my intention.
Anyway,you can not understand anything now because it is a long story but please and please for God sake,reply me so that i can tell you more about myself and the transfer.you can reach me at my email (mariam_modou030@yahoo.fr)
Best Regards,
Mariam Modou
4 comentários:
Sabes que estou sempre disponível para ajudar.
Se a Mariam precisar de alguma coisa...
é que nem penses, ainda por cima depois da cena do canário...
ainda estou aqui a fazer contas, ora 16% de 10,5 milhões de dólares são 1,68 milhões de dólares, ou seja 1,193,481.34 EUR, ao câmbio de hoje.
não, não, não, a mariam escreveu-me a mim, só a mim. é a minha amiga e quer viver comigo para o resto da vida.
estou tão feliz...
Um bocadinho egoísta da tua parte...
O Mourinho foi bem mais querido comigo...
não quero nem pensar no que tiveste de prometer ao Mourinho para ele ser assim querido contigo...
mas pronto, é lá contigo...
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